For most of us, the fast pace of our society is a major challenge because many things tend to happen at the same time.
Simultaneously, there is a growing desire for simplicity as we yearn to walk through our lives without hurrying. Adapt, grow and learn how to slow down in every moment and transform any negativity into possibilities. Your future lies in these moments of transformation.
In conversations with Zhineng Qigong Masters, they share in a very simple way how you can focus on the most important aspects of your life and also how to enjoy moments of inner serenity. These are the recommendations of Master Yuantong Liu from Meishan, China:
“You are happy in every moment of your life, in the activities and events, no matter what is happening. Even if you experience health challenges, or personal or professional issues, you learn to discover the blessings in disguise. Everything that happens to us is a life lesson.”
“The dark side and challenging experiences are our teachers. If we do not learn from such things they are repeated. There is basically nothing wrong or bad. Everything is perfect. To maintain balance and inner harmony, don’t focus too much on the past. It’s similar to driving a car with your head always turned backwards. Also, most people are too often busy with the results of their future visions and intentions. Thus they are distracted and don’t catch the beauty and joy of the moment. Many people think they need to meditate more, or need to retreat to find inner peace and stillness, however inner peace is not found in silence.
To enjoy life and to experience joy in every moment, THIS IS the inner peace for which people yearn. Open your heart and mind totally to everything that happens in your life, then you are in a natural way in peace, serenity and harmony. The universe itself is peaceful. Rejoice for everything in your life – that is peace.”
Take the time to reflect on what brings you joy, and ask yourself: What exactly makes me happy? With this inner meditation, think back to your childhood and you may find there’s a common thread or pattern that keeps recurring. Discover what kind of emotions you experienced when you did joyful things. In these moments, did you feel happiness, serenity, peace, light and relaxation? Make a list so that you remind yourself each day to nourish these joyful moments more and more in your life.
Once you have built up the power of pleasure and thereby enjoy new, inspiring serenity points, it is advisable in the next step to identify your so-called “heart-stones”. Heart-stones are all the events, situations and relationships that rob us of energy and block access to our heart like a stone would. Every day we lose valuable vitality and energy if we do not transform these heart-stones. Make a list of all the heart-stones, and then rearrange priorities in order to dissolve heart-stones one after another. You will know inside what is necessary for this. With the fresh energy that is created to give your life new meaning, strength and inspiration, opt to avoid creating new heart-stones.
Did You Know ?
It has been demonstrated under controlled studies that a state of deep relaxation is the best time to reflect, as you have better access to your emotions, memories, creativity and ideas, without distractions and so many wayward thoughts and worries.